About Michaela

© Michaela Haas

Michaela Haas, PhD, is the author of the new book Bouncing Forward: Transforming Bad Breaks into Breakthroughs (Atria/Enliven, October 2015) about posttraumatic growth, and Dakini Power: Twelve Women Shaping the Transmission of Tibetan Buddhism in the West (Shambhala, 2013).

Michaela started working as a journalist at age 16. As a successful writer, reporter and interviewer for Germany's leading newspapers (e.g. Süddeutsche Zeitung, Die Zeit), magazines (e.g. SZ-Magazin, GEO) and TV stations (ARD, WDR, BR), she has more than 20 years of media experience and knows the tricks on both sides of the microphone. After graduating from the renowned German School of Journalism in Munich, she hosted a successful and award-winning 90 minute live-TV show for many years and received critical praise for it. In addition to her journalist work, she completed her PhD in Asian Studies at the Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelm-University in Bonn, Germany, in 2008. Since 2001 she has been successfully coaching top executives and leading group trainings. She has taught Buddhism at the University of California Santa Barbara, the University of the West and various centers in Europa and America. As a public speaker, she has an uncanny knack for making her audience laugh while also making them think. Her message about embracing mindfulness and human values has inspired audiences of every kind, from CEOs to college students, educators to engineers, nonprofits to religious leaders.

Find more info on Michaela's english website!


The Art and Science of Resilience

The first book of its kind in the new science of posttraumatic growth: A cutting-edge look at how trauma survivors find healing and new resilience.

The uplifting science of posttraumatic growth presents groundbreaking research and proven methods to survive and thrive in the face of challenges. Twelve inspiring role models share their profound insights on how they emerged from hardship stronger, wiser, and more compassionate—from civil rights icon Maya Angelou, who healed deep childhood trauma; flight surgeon Rhonda Cornum, who found a new purpose after being captured in Iraq; renowned autistic pioneer Temple Grandin, who overcame crippling panic attacks; and famed jazz guitarist Coco Schumann, who played for his life in Auschwitz. In Bouncing Forward, Michaela Haas draws upon powerful storytelling, psychology, history, and twenty years of Buddhist practice to reshape the way we think of crisis (Atria/Enliven, October 2015). Find out more at www.michaelahaas.com and order your copy now!

Read more: Missed a blog?

Michaela interviewed internationally renowned meditation teacher Jack Kornfield about "Living with a Joyful Spirit and a Wise Heart" for the Huffington Post, wrote in Sierra Club Magazine about the breakthrough in saving the last northern rhino, explained in Psychology Today why trauma is not always what we think it is, in Yes Magazine 7 strategies to turn trauma into growth, for Shondaland how tampons can save lives, on PsychCentral why striving for happiness can make us unhappy, OnFaith invited her to share her research when faith is fortifying us for adversity and when it isn't, and the Daily Beast published her Op-Ed on how we can help veterans and other survivors transcend trauma. Plus, she interviewed Temple Grandin, Sheila Hamilton, and Toni Bernhard. Catch up here.

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